AHA Moments


Thoughts about Practices/Principles behind Good Design (Part 1)

Object Calisthenics

It’s one of my favorite practices for clean code. It seems a bit strict and hard to follow at first encounter, yet proves profitable if you could stick with it or at least have those principles in mind.

I believe the name comes from its original intention to help transforming a procedural programming mindset into an object-oriented one. And it does a great job for me. I’ll walk through every rules and say some words.

Only one level of indentation per method

  • Pro: Forbids writing complex logic in just one method.
  • Con: A bit too much if you just write an if inside a loop.
  • Advice: Try to follow it, but with a pinch of salt. And try do this in a dogmatic way for at least once.

Don’t use the ELSE keyword

  • Advice: hm… I won’t follow this strictly. Especially when a pair of if and else could introduce a symmetry which is actually more understandable. But if you have lots of else and even some nested if inside, you got a problem.

Wrap all primitives and strings

  • Pro: All your inputs and output would be more readable and easy to change. And it’s also a good start to bring behaviors into objects.
  • Advice: Follow it, break if only you have strong reasons.

First class collections (wrap all collections)

  • Pro: Most of time a collection is not just a collection. Its insertion/get/remove operations all have certain domain knowledge. Even a simple wrapper/delegation will express intentions clearly and expose only necessary behaviors as well.

Advices: Follow it. Follow it even seams mundane

Only one dot per line dog.Body.Tail.Wag() => dog.ExpressHappiness()

  • Pro: Brings good encapsulation. Pushs you to think in an object-oriented way. And changes your design.
  • Advice: It’s not an easy one. Even harder to find out the better approach. But it will be worth the effort.

Keep all entities small

  • [10 files per package, 50 lines per class, 5 lines per method, 2 arguments per method]
  • Advice: Of course. Don’t be too strict. You know what it means.

No classes with more than two instance variables

  • Advice: Follow with discretion. A good hint of clean code anyway.

No public getters/setters/properties

  • Advice: Too much for a simple data object. But reasonable for a rich object.

Refer to this in detail

Baby Step

For most people, it means return 0/null for your first implementation. And write silly codes which will never make their way into the final code base.

Well I believe it’s just a principle to make sure you don’t go astray too far away, and stick to the single red test for now. But the problem is it doesn’t work all the time. Not to mention it’s inefficient most of the time.

So treat it as a safety net, meanwhile don’t refrain from thinking a few steps ahead.


hmmmm… Don’t like it at all. Not helping. I think its usefulness depends on the specific kata you try to solve. And most of time it's hard to follow and not helpful.

Definition and examples A showcaseof TPP, by far the best one

Coupling and Cohesion

Before, I think coupling means how much one module knows about the inner implementation of another module. So if you follow the law of Demeter, you should have a low coupling system. But according to the wikipedia page for that concept, it seems quite different. Any knowledge one module has, and any behaviors one module invokes on the other module will increase their coupling, including interfaces, parameters of method calls, etc. Everything.

So the best way to lower coupling is to move the related information and behavior into itself. And to the extreme, you will have everything in just one module. So cohesion comes in to balance that tendency.

IMO, Low coupling leads to Low Cohesion, High Coupling leads to High Cohesion. The target of a good design is to find a balance between moderately low coupling and moderately high cohesion. That’s why they come in pair.

Incidentally, Coupling is measurable by a formula (see the wiki page below). Yet Cohesion measurement is subject to one's judgement about how things are related.

The Law of Demeter

Synonym for no chained invoking. It can also decrease the coupling between modules, but not eliminate it.

Nice explained here


S: Simple class. Somehow like high cohesion.

O: A good example is to migrate switch/if statements into Command Pattern. Don’t overdo it.

L: This one stands. I use this rule to check if one class should extend a base class or not.

I: It’s another version of single responsibility, but it’s from the pespective of caller/client. The interface could be even finer-grained than the class.

D: Use interfaces for both high-level dependency and low-level inheritance. And it’s not enough. Abstraction is more than just using interface, it involves extracting fundamental behaviors and hiding details. This might be a natural outcome from following all other principles.

Ref: Too many...and all somehow don't agree each other on some points.
